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发布时间:2022-06-21 作者: 浏览次数:8902



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   1. 2018-2020,主持,国家自然科学基金青年基金“低温弱光胁迫后黄瓜叶片光系统I活性恢复的限制因素的研究”(31701966)

   2. 2018-2020,主持,省自然科学基金青年基金“硝态氮和铵态氮影响黄瓜叶片光系统I低温弱光抗性机制的研究”(ZR2017QC001)

   3. 2018-2020,主持,中国博士后基金特别资助“可见光光质影响黄瓜叶片光系统I低温光抑制机理的研究”

   4. 2018-2021,参加。国家自然科学基金基金“过表达RuBP再生关键酶基因改善小麦在波动光下光能利用率的机制研究”(31771691)

   5. 2016-2018,主持,中国博士后面上基金“UVB缓解黄瓜叶片光系统I低温光抑制的机理研究” 

   6. 2014-2018,参加,国家自然科学基金“光呼吸在线粒体AOX途径介导的光破坏防御中的作用及机制”(31370276)


1.  Zhang ZS#, Liu MJ#, Scheibe R, Selinski J, Zhang LT, Yang C, Meng XL, Gao HY* (2017) Contribution of the alternative respiratory pathway to PSII photoprotection in C3 and C4 Plants. Molecular Plant, 10: 131–142 (IF = 7.142)

2. Li YT, Liu MJ, Li Y, Liu P, Zhao SJ, Gao HY, Zhang ZS* (2020) Photoprotection by mitochondrial alternative pathway is enhanced at heat but disabled at chilling. The Plant Journal, 104:403–415

3.  Hou F, Jin LQ, Zhang ZS*, Gao HY* (2015) Systemic signaling in photosynthetic induction of Rumex K-1 (Rumex patientia × Rumex tianschaious) leaves. Plant Cell & Environment 38: 685–692 (IF = 6.96)

4.  Zhang ZS, Jia YJ, Gao HY*, Zhang LT, Li HD, Meng QW (2010) Characterization of PSI recovery after chilling-induced photoinhibition in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves. Planta, 234: 883–889 (IF = 3.263)

如下是以第一作者或者通讯作者发表的论文(#并列第一作者;* 通讯作者)



1. 罗蛟,李滢,李玉婷,赵文静,徐燕妮,赵世杰,张子山*,高辉远 (2021) 六种植物生长调节剂对光温胁迫下离体黄瓜叶片光系统II 和光系统I光抑制的影响. 植物生理学报 57(1): 178186

2.Li YT, Yang C, Zhang ZS*, Zhao SJ, Gao HY (2021) Photosynthetic acclimation strategies in response to intermittent exposure to high light intensity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 181:104275

3. Li YT, Liu MJ, Li Y, Liu P, Zhao SJ, Gao HY, Zhang ZS* (2020) Photoprotection by mitochondrial alternative pathway is enhanced at heat but disabled at chilling. The Plant Journal, 104:403–415

4. Li YT, Li Y, Li LN, Liang Y, Sun Q, Li G, Liu P, Zhang ZS*, Hui-Yuan Gao (2020) Dynamic light caused less photosynthetic suppression, rather than more, under nitrogen deficit conditions than under sufficient nitrogen supply conditions in soybean. BMC Plant Biology, 20:339

5. Li YT, Xu WW, Liu P, Zhang ZS* (2020) High temperature reduces photosynthesis in maize leaves by damaging chloroplast ultrastructure and photosystem II. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 206:548-564.

6. 罗蛟, 李玉婷, 张子山*, 车兴凯, 梁英, 李月楠, 李滢, 赵世杰, 高辉远 (2020) 烟草叶片中呼吸电子传递途径在缓解叶绿体 PSII光抑制中的作用. 植物学报 55 (1): 3137

7. 梁英, 李玉婷, 车兴凯, 李月楠, 罗蛟, 张珂豪, 张子山*, 赵世杰* 2018)小麦叶片PSI光抑制对光合电子传递链的影响. 植物生理学报 54(9): 1426–1432

8. Li YT, Liang Y, Li YN, Che XK, Zhao SJ, Zhang ZS*, Gao HY (2018) Mechanisms by which Bisphenol A affect the photosynthetic apparatus in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves. Scientific Reports, 8: 4253 (IF = 4.259)

9.   Zhang ZS#, Liu MJ#, Scheibe R, Selinski J, Zhang LT, Yang C, Meng XL, Gao HY* (2017) Contribution of the alternative respiratory pathway to PSII photoprotection in C3 and C4 Plants. Molecular Plant, 10: 131–142 (IF = 7.142)

10.   Cheng DD#, Zhang ZS#, Sun XB, Zhao M, Sun GY*, Chow WS* (2016) Photoinhibition and photoinhibition-like damage to the photosynthetic apparatus in tobacco leaves induced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tabaci under light and dark conditions. BMC Plant Biology, 16: 29 (IF =3.631)

11.   Cheng DD, Liu MJ, Sun XB, Zhao M, Chow WS*, Sun GY, Zhang ZS*, Hu YB (2016) Light suppresses bacterial population through the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in tobacco leaves infected with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 512 (IF = 4.495)

12.   Zhang ZS, Li YT, Gao HY*, Yang C, Meng QW (2016) Characterization of photosynthetic gas exchange in leaves under simulated adaxial and abaxial surfaces alternant irradiation. Scientific Reports, 6: 26963 (IF = 5.228)

13.   Zhang ZS, Jin LQ, Li YT, Tikkanen M, Li QM, Ai XZ, Gao HY* (2016) Ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) relieves chilling-light-induced PSI photoinhibition and accelerates the recovery of CO2 assimilation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Leaves. Scientific Reports, 6: 34455 (IF = 5.228 )

14.   Zhang ZS, Liu MJ, Gao HY*, Jin LQ, Li YT, Li QM, Ai XZ (2015). Water status related root-to-shoot communication regulates the chilling tolerance of shoot in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Plants. Scientific reports, 5: 13094 (IF = 5.578)

15.   Hou F, Jin LQ, Zhang ZS*, Gao HY* (2015) Systemic signaling in photosynthetic induction of Rumex K-1 (Rumex patientia × Rumex tianschaious) leaves. Plant Cell & Environment 38: 685–692 (IF = 6.96)

16.   Yang C#, Zhang ZS#, Gao HY*, Liu MJ, Fan XL (2014) Mechanisms by which the infection of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary affects the photosynthetic performance in tobacco leaves. BMC Plant Biology, 14: 240 (IF = 3.813)

17.   Zhang ZS, Yang C, Gao HY*, Zhang LT, Fan XL, Liu MJ (2014) The higher sensitivity of PSI to ROS results in lower chilling-light tolerance of photosystems in young leaves of cucumber. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 137: 127–134 (”Stress and Photosynthesis” special issues) (IF = 3.06)

18.   Liu MJ#, Zhang ZS#, Gao HY*, Yang C, Fan XL, Cheng DD (2014) Respective effect of leaf dehydration duration and dehydration degree on PSII photochemical activity of papaya leaves. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 82: 85-88 (IF = 2.756)

19.     Fan XL#, Zhang ZS#, Gao HY*, Yang C, Liu MJ, Li YT, Li PM. (2014) Photoinhibition-like damage to the photosynthetic apparatus in plant leaves induced by submergence treatment in the dark. PLoS ONE, 9: e89067 (IF = 3.234)

20.     张子山,杨程,高辉远* (2013)植物光系统I的低温光抑制及恢复. 植物生理学报 49 (4): 301-308.

21.     张子山,李耕,高辉远*,刘鹏,杨程,孟祥龙 (2013) 玉米持绿与早衰品种叶片衰老过程中光化学活性的变化. 作物学报 39(1): 1-8

22.     Zhang ZS, Li G, Gao HY*, Zhang LT, Yang C, Liu P, Meng QW (2012) Characterization of photosynthetic performance during senescence in stay-Green and quick-leaf-senescence Zea mays L. PLoS ONE, 7: e42936 (IF = 3.234)

23.     张子山,杨程,高辉远*,王未未,孙学娟,孟祥龙,孟庆伟 (2012) 低温光抑制恢复过程中黄瓜叶片PSII活性及其电子传递对PSI的影响. 应用生态学报 23 (4)1049-1054

24.     张子山,杨程,高辉远*,李耕,刘鹏 (2012) 保绿玉米与早衰玉米叶片衰老过程中叶绿素降解与光合作用光化学活性的关系. 作物学报 45(23): 4794-4800

25.     Li G#, Zhang ZS#, Gao HY*, Liu P, Dong ST, Zhang JW, Zhao B (2012) Effects of nitrogen on photosynthetic characteristics of leaves from two different stay-green corn (Zea mays L.) varieties at the grain-filling stage. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 92:1-10 (IF = 0.919)

26.     Zhang ZS, Jia YJ, Gao HY*, Zhang LT, Li HD, Meng QW (2010) Characterization of PSI recovery after chilling-induced photoinhibition in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves. Planta, 234: 883–889 (IF = 3.263)

27.     张子山,张立涛,高辉远*,贾裕娇,部建雯,孟庆伟 (2009) 不同光强与低温交叉胁迫下黄瓜PSIPSII的光抑制研究. 中国农业科学 42(12) 4288-4293
